"Immerse" Video Stars MCS Actors


Millstreet Community School recently answered a request from the UCC Immerse Senior Project team, to provide voiceovers for an animation which will be presented to Europe.

Deputy Principal, Frances Moynihan, worked intensely with the students to ensure that each person was clear in their task and confident in their delivery.

The students showed great enthusiasm as they practised their lines and honed their vocal presentation.

UCC’s Dr Shirley Martin and Dr Jacqui O Riordan, came to the school on Monday to record the voiceovers – what an experience!

The day was filled with humour, the odd raised eyebrow and a serious work rate.

The IMMERSE research project explores integration and inclusion in schools across Europe and data has been collected in Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Belgium, and Germany.

The experience has given the students great confidence and who knows – we may have the next Hugh Bonneville in our midst!

IMMERSE was a research project that ran for five years and involved eleven bodies in six different countries. The research centred on the socio-educational integration of migrant children across Europe. One of its aims is for the research findings to guide the decision makers in each country in how they provide supports for migrant children who come to countries like Ireland.

Chris Horan