About Us
Our Mission:
We promote all aspects of the growth and development of each student in a warm and caring environment, seeking the best outcome for each student.
Our Mission:
We promote all aspects of the growth and development of each student in a warm and caring environment, seeking the best outcome for each student.
Teaching and Learning in MCS is underpinned by the drive to promote excellence in and honest engagement with those in our school community.
Values promote collaboration, where teachers work together to further the educational attainment of each student regardless of ability.
Allows pupils to recognise their own creativity and to create a sense of progress and achievement.
Has the stated expectation that all teachers will work to the highest standards in terms of classroom preparation, delivery and assessment to achieve the best outcomes for students.
Creates an environment which allows pupils to "switch on" to learning.
And finally…teaching and learning at MCS is respectful and supportive of all.
Millstreet Community School was established in 1973.
The school opened in 1974 and was fully refurbished in 1999.
"It’s great to have a good relationship with our teachers. They know us and we know them - and it just makes school so much easier.”
— Student 2nd year
We place great emphasis on the development of the whole person. Intellectual, Creative, Cultural, Physical, Spiritual & School. We actively seek to promote the development of young people who are confident and capable. We encourage social awareness and the ability to relate to others. The essence of Pastoral Care in Millstreet Community School is Respect - Respect for Self, Respect for Others and Respect for our Environment.
There is a strong and highly developed sense of Pastoral Care in Millstreet Community School. Teachers take an active interest in the progress and development of the student and are available and accessible to both student and parents/guardians.
Millstreet Community School has a full-time Chaplain in the School. The Chaplain is available to meet with students and organises a variety of co-curricular activities with the School.
Co-operation between teachers, parents/guardians and students is an innate part of our philosophy. We place great emphasis on the development of the whole person.
We have a long established tradition of working
with the community from which we grow.
“Staff Collegiality is central to all teaching and learning. The staff plans and executes schemes of work together, sharing resources and expertise. Team teaching has been introduced, opening up new possibilities for teaching and responding to individual student needs.
School Planning and School Self-Evaluation is carried out in a process involving all staff. Each member of staff has an important contribution to this process.”
- Pól Ó Síodhcháin, Principal MCS
Whole School Evaluation/ Read Full Report