Stand Up Awareness Week


MCS is a school that celebrates acceptance of all. All students will always be accepted for who they are in this school community. Everyone has helped to form our bullying policy. This means we are serious about nobody hurting anyone’s feelings. It can be difficult sometimes to be your own person. Everyone in this school respects you just as you are. 

On Friday, November 20th, the whole school took a stand against homophobic bullying- and different year groups dressed in the different colours that make up the LGBTI+ rainbow flag.

The school took a stand against bullying and stood in solidarity with one another- keeping all aware of the need to be aware and alert to all forms of bullying and exclusion.

Stand Up Awareness Week means our school to takes a stand against homophobic, transphobic, and biphobic bullying that many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) students experience.