Transition Year
For the attention of all 3rd Year Students and parents:
The TY Application process will be conducted entirely online this year due to the Covid-19 School Closure. Please read the information letter from TY Coordinator, Mr Guerin here. You need to complete the TY Application here before 4pm on Friday next, March 27th 2020. Please note that you will need your school email (Office 365) account details to access the application form. Should you have any difficulty please contact the Office by email or by phone during normal school hours.
Transition Year in MCS provides a space for students to be teenagers, to develop skills and to find their passions. We deliver a successful, student-centred TY Program.
We have carefully constructed a timetable to facilitate the development of all aspects of the student. Students study core subjects from September to June. Students also experience 10-week rotations of Senior Cycle optional subjects, thus ensuring an informed choice is made for fifth year. The rotation helps maintain momentum throughout the year. In addition, students choose Optional Modules to study/participate in. The Optional Modules are adjusted each year, capturing latest innovations in TY focused initiatives.
Students undertake two weeks of block-release work experience, one in November and one in May.
Links with local community organisations, such as Millstreet Tidy Towns, Millstreet Community Council, Canon O’Donovan Centre and St. Vincent de Paul are encouraged and maintained by participation of TY students in many local initiatives over the course of the year.
TY students will participate in many workshops delivered by expert visitors. Students also enjoy several school outings during the year.
Please click on the links below for further information.
TY core subjects:
+ Maths
Millstreet Community School has great flexibility in designing a mathematics programme for TY. While the specification for Junior Cycle and the syllabus for Senior Cycle advocate experiential learning through investigative activities and group problem solving, TY provides even more scope to engage in such activities, unconstrained by the pressures of a terminal examination.
The year consists mainly of a series of key topics that consolidate the learning from Junior Cycle and to begin to integrate some concepts from Senior Cycle. Addressing gaps from Junior Cycle mathematics and reinforcing Junior Cycle concepts while introducing some Senior Cycle content creates opportunities to reason and to problem solve and discuss and justify strategies with their peers.
The approach taken to Mathematics in the Transition Year is as important as the content itself. It seeks to stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of students in identifying problems through practical activities and investigating appropriate ways of solving them. In this way, study can be brought into the realm of everyday life.
+ English
Transition Year English builds on the skills learned in Junior School. The five languages of English are studied (Argument, Narrative, Persuasion, Information and Aesthetic) along with Poetry and Film. Vocabulary development is also a focus along with plenty of discussion….
+ Irish
Tugann an Idirbhliain deis níos mó béime a chur ar labhairt na teanga agus ar thimpeallacht chruthaitheach a thugann tacaíocht di. Bíonn ceithre thréimhse in aghaidh na seachtaine. Go ginearálta, cuidíonn úsáid na dtionscadal go mór le bunús cumarsáide. Tá béim níos láidre dírithe ar an nGaeilge labhartha chun muinín a bheith acu as an teanga. Cuirimid neart ar éisteacht agus scríobh na teanga trí chleachtaí idirghníomhacha.
Transition Year offers an opportunity to place increased emphasis on speaking the language and on creating environments which support this approach. There are four periods a week. In general, the use of projects will greatly help to provide the basis for spoken and written communication.
Particular attention is focused on the spoken language so that the students can be confident using the language. Emphasis is placed on listening and writing of the language through interactive exercises.
+ RE
TY RE will follow two main strands:
Social justice - tolerance, respect, human rights and dignity. Examining the causes of poverty and homelessness in Ireland today and exploring the work carried out by the SVP and Cork Penny Dinners.
The Search for Meaning in Life - examining the different ways that adolescents find meaning and purpose in their lives today, for example, through music and film.
Project work based on these strands will be encouraged.
+ Wellbeing(SHPE, Guidance, PE)
TY RE will follow two main strands:
Social justice - tolerance, respect, human rights and dignity. Examining the causes of poverty and homelessness in Ireland today and exploring the work carried out by the SVP and Cork Penny Dinners.
The Search for Meaning in Life - examining the different ways that adolescents find meaning and purpose in their lives today, for example, through music and film.
Project work based on these strands will be encouraged.
+ Loft Fitness
All Transition Years attend the Loft Fitness studio. Pat Sheehan runs the Loft and he is a fitness instructor and nutrition expert. Pat leads the students through a ten-week exercise and nutrition program. Students get to experience all aspects of a modern gym. The program includes a detailed nutrition workshop.
+ HSA Safety in the Workplace
The programme is designed around six Units:
Unit 1 focuses on general health and safety in the workplace for young workers, key responsibilities, employment rights, and induction.
Unit 2 introduces the concept of hazard and risk and the process of risk assessment. The Unit also focuses on manual handling and ergonomics, slips, trips and falls, and fire safety.
Unit 3 considers effective controls within the context of the management of working at height, workplace transport safety, and chemicals. It also looks at two key work sectors - farming and hospitality.
Unit 4 addresses the specific roles of a safety officer and safety representative and the work environment. It also covers workplace health and well-being.
Units 5 and 6 challenge the student to reflect and discuss how the principles of health and safety can be applied to real-life work practices. It also focuses on accident prevention.
Unit 6 completes Choose Safety by examining actual case studies. This Unit revisits the issues raised earlier in the course.
TY Sample Subjects
+ Home Economics
The main focus of learning is food and nutrition and how it affects our health. In 3C we focus on the development of various cookery skills, which students will carry forward for later life. This module also covers basic nutrition and healthy eating guidelines.
+ Agricultural Science
TY Ag Science at MCS provides students with an opportunity to engage in a taster programme of what is involved in studying Ag Science at Leaving Cert level. Simultaneously, students get a perspective of the importance and relevance of Ag Science to our everyday society. Students study a variety of topics including: farm safety, genetics, organic farming, soil and crop and animal production. Teaching is delivered through a range of methodologies including research, videos and experimental activities amongst others. Students conduct independent research on a chosen topic about farm safety and animal diseases and present their findings in the format of a written report and oral presentation to their classmates. Students leave TY Ag Science with a greater appreciation of science and research and an enhanced skillset for presentations.
+ Physics
Physics is the study of matter and energy; it is an extremely interesting science and is relevant to your everyday life. Throughout the TY module we will focus on real-life applications, developing on skills learned in Junior Cycle Science. Topics covered include: Motion and Energy, Heat, Electricity, Light and Optics. We will focus on aspects both in the Leaving Certificate course while also expanding our knowledge outside of the course. The main focus of TY Physics is to develop a strong sense of critical thinking and problem solving.
+ Biology
Studying TY Biology at MCS is an exciting opportunity to get a taste of the subject for Leaving Cert level while allowing students to appreciate its important relevance to our everyday lives. Students conduct research and compile notes on various areas of the subject including ecology, cell structure, genetics and some human body systems. Research, videos, documentaries and experimental activities support the learning process. Students conduct independent research on a chosen topic about a human disease or condition and present their findings in the format of a written report and oral presentation to their classmates. Students leave TY Biology with a greater respect for the application of Biology and improved research skills.
+ Design & Communication Graphics
The approach to transition year DCG is to give students an insight into the subject and focus on their visual and spatial skills. Visual and spatial skills are vital skills to have for a number of subjects such as maths, Engineering, Construction and the Sciences as well as for DCG. Transition year DCG gives students a good understanding of what the Subject contains for the Leaving Certificate and gives them the opportunity to begin to improve the skills they will need for Leaving cert DCG.
+ Geography
A study of Geography will help students develop an understanding of their physical and human surroundings. It examines the changing inter-relationships between the physical and human worlds, in space and over time. Through their study students will develop geographical skills that will help them make informed judgements about issues, locally, nationally and internationally.
+ Chemistry
Chemistry is the branch of Science which deals with solids, liquids and gases, looking at their properties, how reactions between them occur and how we can use these reactions to form new substances! This TY programme is designed to give you a good insight into whether you would like to continue to study Chemistry as a subject for your Leaving Certificate. Is it all Maths? No. There is about 30% calculations to most Chemistry questions.
+ Art , Craft and Design
Art, Craft and Design as a subject aims to provide the student with a set of personal attitudes and qualities as well as skills and processes and a sense of the aesthetic.
Through practical engagement in the areas of art, craft and design students will develop self-confidence, inquisitiveness, imagination, and creativity. They will also develop authentic, real world problem-solving capacities and the capacity to work over time, as an individual and in groups, on the design and execution of artistic and aesthetic tasks.
In planning for development of the student’s understanding of Visual Culture, Art will address the work that they could make during senior cycle. They will learn about different examples of artworks and artists over their time in TY, within the safe space of the art class, and shall experience the authentic visual art processes of imagining, investigating, experimenting, making, displaying and evaluating.
+ Accounting
The Transition Year Accounting Programme is designed to create a bridge between the Business Studies Junior Cycle course and senior cycle Business courses such as Accounting and Business.
The programme begins with a focus on Business Documents which would be familiar to the pupils. The programmes then brings pupils through the following stages of Accounting –
· Recognising the difference between Cash Transactions and Credit Transactions
· The rules of Double Entry
· Recording a cash transactions in the Days books and Ledger
· Recording credit transactions in the Day Books and Ledger
· Extraction of a Trial Balance
The overall aim of the programme is to prepare pupils for their senior cycle in school and to help them focus on possible future career options.
+ Construction Studies
This module is designed to equip Transition year students with the knowledge and skills to be able to create wood-craft projects. Students will learn how to create and manufacture design ideas using freehand sketching/processing skills while taking into account factors such as time, materials and skill level. The module is designed to introduce students to some aspects of the Leaving Certificate Construction Studies course.
+ Business
· To introduce Business to all students – in particular students who would not have studied Junior Cycle Business Studies.
· To relate Business to everyday life. Eg Budgets, Borrowing, Savings, Taxation, National Budget, Stocks and shares, Trade Unions, the European Union and Brexit.
· The preparation of students for further education and for adult and working life, including the creation of positive attitudes towards self-employment.
+ Engineering
Our Engineering module at M.C.S allows our transition year students to actively explore the world of Engineering, Design and Technology. While there is a focus on developing workshop skills and techniques, we strive to give our students the opportunity to explore engineering on a wider scale and to carry out extensive research on topics such as , renewable energies, environmental sustainability and Gender equality in the world of Manufacture and design. Our students digital research and presentation skills take centre stage in this area of study.
+ German
The TY course contains extensive oral activities using topics that appeal to Transition Year Students. A wide variety of reading, writing and listening activities will be covered, reflecting ways in which teenagers communicate with the world around them - from traditional methods such as letter-writing to more modern social media channels. Task-based activities and projects are used to engage learners, with a specific emphasis on Landeskunde, providing an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge of life and culture in German-speaking countries.
The course provides many opportunities for in-depth revision and expansion of vocabulary as well as grammar learned throughout the Junior Cycle, with student centred learning, which will help bridge the gap from Junior to Senior Cycle German.
+ French
A focus on communication and culture. Emphasising development of oral language skills and exploring culture through projects such as the French Film Competition.
TY Option Module
Work Experience
Your career starts here! Students are encouraged to choose carefully as they approach employers for work placements in November and in May. TY offers two weeks of work experience as students begin to prepare for the world of work. Students will complete work placement diaries and reflections.
Other Activities
A great variety of workshops and outings are incorporated into Transition Year. Examples include surfing, mountain biking, art galleries, law days, road safety workshops, fire safety programs, drugs awareness talks, team-building workshops and many more.