Stevie G Gives Racism Red Card!

Stevie G (DJ with Cork's Ref FM), visited MCS once again to show his support for our Language and Culture Week and our efforts to further encourage a sense of inclusion and belonging. He showed the students how to mix sounds, rhythms and words and gave them opportunity to try it out themselves.
Five Ty students (Natalia Tabian, Cian McCaul, Leah O'Riordan, Caoimhe O'Mahony and Eve O'Connell) planned and delivered workshops with each 2nd year tutorial based on the resource, Showing Racism the Red Card. They explored issues around prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes, the impact of colonialism and the slave trade. They also highlighted ways that we can respond if we witness racist comments or behaviour and the importance of not remaining a by-stander. (pictured with members of 2X and 2Y)